Tooth Powder ( special item)


Tooth Powder
(* 2 oz* )

Blend of Charcoal , Aztec Clay, Cloves, Mentha & More !

Optional to remove bentonite

* May assist with stains.
* May assist with dark spots.
* May assist with bad breath.
* May assist with impurities.
* May assist with bacteria.
* May assist wirh inflammation.
* May assist with build up of plaque.

-Recommended to use a soft bristle brush as needed.
-This product is NOT intended for every day use & not intended for children
-Only a small amount 1/2- 1 tsp is required during each use
-Please consult your dentist *

Products have not been evaluated by the FDA. They are not intended to heal, treat, cure or prevent any disease. I am not a physician. If any allergy or irritation occurs , please discontinue use immediately. Always consult with your physician before using any herbal products.