Cara Mia


Mask (Face/Body/Hair )

Green Tea, Moringa, Matcha, CocoPowder, & Aztec Healing Clay

May assist with deep removal of toxins.
*May assist with acne
*May assist with skintone& pH balance
*May assist with removal of excess
traces of dirt or oil
*May assist with pores
*May assist with removal of dead skin
*May assist with blackheads
*May assist with inflammation
*May assist with scars

-Mix clay with water .
-Turn it into a paste& apply !
-Always do a small patch test first.
-Never apply products to broken , damaged, or cut skin .

Great for oily& combination skin. (ALWAYS moisturize after using this product!!)

Products have not been evaluated by the FDA. They are not intended to heal, treat, cure or prevent any disease. I am not a physician. If any allergy or irritation occurs , please discontinue use immediately. Always consult with your physician before using any herbal products. The information provided is for educational purposes only.